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Deeper Roots

2108 Colerain Ave
Cincinnati, OH 45214
Vendor Since: 2013

About Us:
At Deeper Roots Coffee we are striving for excellence in ethical sourcing and crafting of specialty coffees. Our commitment to this excellence starts with our relationship with Deeper Roots Development, a development organization working to improve communities of small coffee farmers. We understand that quality coffee doesn’t end with roasting so we also offer cafe consulting, industry relevant barista training and machine sales and maintenance.  We understand the importance of having all these aspects work together in a quality way, and we strive to bring them to you in the best way possible.

Products We Sell:
Brewed coffee (hot and iced), whole bean & ground coffee, brewed teas

Our Practices:
We source our coffee from all over and roast locally in Cincinnati, OH.  Our sourcing practices reflect a commitment to quality of relationship between the grower and roaster as well as a commitment to quality growing practices.  We believe in quality at every level from the practices used during growing and processing, to how we can invest in the individuals who grew the coffee, to how the coffee is roasted, and finally, to how it’s prepared.  Every step matters!

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