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Paktli Foods

Puffed ancient grain snacks

Address: Blue Ash, Ohio
Vendor Since: Winter 2020

Pre-Order: Please order from here

About Us:
Production is in full swing…
PAKTLI is a reality…
PAKTLI means JOY in Nahuatl, the language of the Aztecs, one of the ancient cultures that revered amaranth. I grew up in Mexico eating ALEGRIAS (which also means JOY!), a snack dating to the 16th century made from puffed amaranth and honey or chocolate. PAKTLI is my version of the ancient Mexican alegrias. I use puffed amaranth plus puffed quinoa and millet, highly nutritious ancient grains that are also considered superfoods. I mix the grains with high quality organic ingredients including chocolates, blue agave syrup, and whole dried fruits and nuts. Never any additives. Always preservative free. I hope you enjoy and that your days are filled with PAKTLI. -Seena

Products We Sell:
Puffed ancient grain snacks made with puffed organic Amaranth, Quinoa and Millet with organic chocolates and dried fruits and nuts, gluten free, soy free, preservative free. Flavors include: White chocolate, Milk chocolate, 55% bittersweet chocolate with dried blueberries and cacao nibs, 70% extra dark chocolate with dried cranberries and cashews.

Our Practices:
Only organic ingredients are used in our products; all are gluten free and are made with organic quinoa, millet, and amaranth. The products are inspired by the Mexican alegrias and produced by hand using an artisanal method.

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