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Honey Child Artisian Pops

Address: Cincinnati, OH
Phone: 513-800-9011
Website: Honey Child Artisian Pops Website
Instagram Site: Honey Child Artisian Pops Instagram
Facebook Site: Honey Child Artisian Pops on Facebook

Vendor Since: 2022


About Us:
We started Honey Child Artisan Pops after a chance encounter with an ice cream truck. We wanted a treat for ourselves and our children, but we did not want all that sugar and dairy. We wondered why there were not delicious dairy and sugar-free treats available from that ice cream truck and in stores at large. After not finding what we were looking for in the market, we decided to start making them ourselves. Damien Thompson is a commercial food photographer with a background in marketing and design. Sarah Thompson is a former professional dancer and yoga instructor with a background in herbal medicine. We poured our complimentary expertise and our shared love for delicious food and a healthy lifestyle to create Honey Child Artisan Pops. Our daughters help us with flavor development, and they taste (and approve) every flavor before it goes out to our carts.

Products We Sell:
Our delicious frozen treats are made from whole blended fruit and veggies. They are naturally sweetened with honey or maple syrup if we use any added sweetener at all. Some of our pops also include superfood ingredients, plant-based proteins and adaptogens. They are like a smoothie on a stick! All of our pops are naturally free from dairy, gluten, and cane sugar. You can really taste the difference.

Our Practices:
At Honey Child we make all of our delicious hand-crafted pops with no cane sugar, dairy, or gluten. Instead, we sweeten our pops with a touch of honey or maple syrup if we use any sweetener at all. Our Power Pops go a step further, incorporating plant-based proteins and superfood ingredients. They’re like a smoothie on a stick. You really can taste the difference!

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