Our Montgomery Farmers’ Market has a goal of helping the members of our community. To do this, we offer several community spending programs to help people in lower tax brackets save money when they shop with us.
Along with cash and credit cards, we support the following programs that offer methods of payment:
- Produce Perks coins (we match up to $25 in SNAP purchases with free Produce Perks)
- Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP) Vouchers
- Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Fruit and Vegetable Program vouchers
- Produce PRx (Prescription) Program Vouchers
What is SNAP?
SNAP stands for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. Formerly, the SNAP program was known as Food Stamps. It is a federal program which helps families stretch their food budget. SNAP benefits can be used to purchase food at grocery stores, convenience stores, and some farmers markets… like ours!
SNAP benefits can be used to buy many food products including fruits, vegetables, bread, meat, eggs, cheese, milk, coffee beans, and even plants that can be used to grow food like tomatoes or herbs. Ready-to-eat prepared foods, or foods meant to be eaten at the market, are not approved SNAP purchases.
Our Market accepts SNAP to be open and accessible to all residents of Montgomery and surrounding communities. There are people in every single community that need some help, so we want to make sure that anyone who wants to shop at our market has the opportunity to do so.
How Do I Use My EBT or Credit Card?
It’s easy, just bring your EBT or Credit card to the Market Manager’s Booth on Saturday. We’ll swipe your card and you can purchase special “Farmers Bucks” that you can use at the market. SNAP Farmers Bucks can only be used on SNAP eligible items, but Farmers Bucks purchased with credit or debit cards can be used on any item at the market, just like cash. We will charge a small fee on credit/debit card swipes. This covers the fees that our processor charges us and helps us pay the fees for folks who swipe their EBT cards.
Click on the logo below to learn the details:
Produce Perks
Earn $25 in free produce! Produce Perks is an Ohio-based matching program for SNAP/EBT customers. These visitors can swipe their SNAP/EBT card at our Market Manager’s tent, and for every $1 of SNAP benefits they use, they will get $1 of free Produce Perks tokens that can be used on produce at any of our farmer stands (up to a maximum of $25).
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Fruit and Vegetable Program (TANF)
The Fruit and Vegetable Program, funded through TANF, is a new program which allows Ohio’s low-income families to purchase more healthy foods. Participants must be a US Citizen (or meet a citizenship exception), have children in the household (or be pregnant) and are at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level. Eligible families may receive a coupon booklet worth $40, redeemable for fruits and vegetables.
Click on the logo below to learn the details:

Produce Prescription Program (PRx)
The Produce Prescription program distributes coupons to low-income pregnant mothers with diet-related illnesses. Produce Perks partners with health care clinics and the doctors distribute coupons to the moms on a monthly basis during their pregnancy and up to the first year of the baby’s life.
PRx participants receive vouchers for use at local farmers’ markets so that choosing fresh vegetables or fruits is an economically feasible choice.
Click on the logo below to learn the details:
Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP) Vouchers
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP) provides $50 worth of free, fresh, locally grown fruits, vegetables, fresh cut herbs and honey through farmers’ markets and roadside stands. Participants must apply annually and can do so at one of their distribution events.
Click on the logo below to learn the details: