Viviano Wellness

Address: Cincinnati, OH 45249
Facebook: Viviano Wellness Herbal Health

Pre-order: Email by Thursday evening. Just click “Contact” on the bottom of any page on my website or directly email me.

Herbal Syrups, Herbal Teas, Herbal Pet Treats, Herbal Broth Mixes, Chocolate Products with Mushroom Powder

The women from my mom’s side are from the Trois-Rivieres tribe and have been skilled at growing plants and making broths for medicinal purposes.
I’m following in my ancestors footsteps by offering herbal and mushroom products for health.

Special Practices:
I’m so excited to offer my newest products made from Homemade Organic Mushroom Powder! After drying organic mushroom slices under a UV garden light (to absorb lots of Vitamin D!), I add my homemade mushroom powder to organic raw cacao powder to make delicious chocolate products.