Grilled Zucchini

[recipe title=”Grilled Zucchini” difficulty=”easy”]
6 medium Zucchini
¼ cup Olive Oil
1 tsp + 1 Tbsp Salt
1 tsp Pepper
3 Lemons, zested

Cut off tops and bottoms of Zucchini and slice them into quarters, lengthwise. Place in a large Ziploc bag. Drizzle in Olive Oil, 1 tsp Salt, 1 Tbsp Lemon Zest, and Juice of 2 Lemons. Seal, shake, and allow to marinate for 15-20 min.

Heat grill to medium. Grill the Zucchini on all three sides until tender. Remove to a plate.Chop the remaining salt and zest together until it becomes Lemon-Salt. Sprinkle over Zucchini and serve.

Recipe from: The Pioneer Woman Cooks